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Baccarat Formula, Balance Line If you are the one who likes balance Reasonableness, I think the Baccarat de Longbe formula is probably the best answer. Because this formula was invented by the French mathematician Rond d'Alembert, Delongbe's style of operation is a system of negative progression. Also known as Negative Progression, which is the heart of “When losing, increase the bet. When you win, reduce the bet.” However, Delongbe will work well only when the game has a probability of 50% (same win and loss), as is the 1324 Baccarat Money Formula. Another factor that will make the Delongbe formula even more effective is that it has to be a game that doubles as a win. You see, balance is the key to making this recipe work. Baccarat Formula How is dAlembert used? How to use the Delongbei formula is not as difficult as you think. Let me give an example in 2 situations to make it easier to understand: Event 1 When playing and losing in a row If this happens, place an additional bet of 1 investment unit per turn (1 unit can be as many baht), for example. Round 1 bet 1 unit and lose 2nd round bet 2 units and lose again Round 3 bet 3 units and lose again Round 4, bet 4 units, still won't win. Round 5 Bet 5 Units (Keep doing this until you win. 2nd event, when playing and losing and winning In this event, when losing, we will increase the investment unit 1 unit at a time as before. At the same time, if there is a win, we will reduce the investment unit by 1 unit per turn, as in the example Round 1 bet 1 unit, the result is a loss. 2nd round, bet 2 units, still lose as usual Round 3 bet 3 units. This round wins. Next round we will reduce the bet. 4th round, bet 2 units, lose again, next round increase the bet Round 5 bet 3 units wins Round 6, bet 2 units, win in a row again. Round 7 bet 1 unit and win again The form of placing bets is like this. which is the lowest will be at 1 unit, summarized as a diagram, it will look like this Baccarat-(1) SPECIAL EVENTS EXTEND BET This method is different from the above event. from increasing the bet by unit when losing Reduce bets by unit when winning. We will adjust to increase bet 1 unit per 3 losing eyes and reduce bet 1 unit per 3 winning eyes eg. Round 1 bet 2 units lose, next round will not increase bet until 3 rounds are lost. 2nd round bet 2 units lose again Round 3 bet 2 units, lose again, next round we will increase bet 1 unit. Round 4 bet 3 units and still lose Round 5 bet 3 units, this time win, next round reduce bets Round 6 bet 2 units, win again, next round place 2 units and so on until 3 rounds are won. Round 7 bet 2 units win again Round 8 bet 2 units still win Round 9 bet 1 unit

Baccarat dAlembert formula that emphasizes balance.

Baccarat formula dAlembert that focuses on balance, talking about the Baccarat Martingale formula, will not talk about the Baccarat dAlembert formula (French pronounced Delongbei), probably. Because these two formulas are called sister formulas, they would not be wrong. Because they are very similar, especially in terms of increasing the bet when we

Play Baccarat for Profit with Baccarat Martingale Formula

Play Baccarat for Profit with Baccarat Martingale Formula

After I presented the 1324 Baccarat Formula, I found the Baccarat Money Walk Formula. Another one that is not less interesting and has a lot of people using it is the Baccarat Martingale formula. This one is said to be popular among Thai gamblers in online casinos. Foreign things are also popular. Moreover, investors

Just seeing the number 1324, many people may wonder, eh, what is this formula? Did it come up randomly or not? Is there anything guaranteed? Anyone who has played baccarat for a long time will know that playing without using Baccarat money walk formula With the use of the formula along with it gives very different results. So people come up with many formulas to use in playing. and one of the most popular formulas in the world This is the 1324 Baccarat formula. Who would call it a strategy? Let me call this Baccarat money walk formula, well, by the 1324 baccarat formula, he has been in use since 2006 and it is popular to this day, more than ten years ago, it still works well. without having to modify anything With a betting style that uses the principle of 1 down, 1 win, 1 loss, 0 loss, win rate is 50 / 50, just like throwing games. Which corresponds to the probability that the dealer will win 0.458597 and the player will win 0.446247, with this formula there is an iron rule that always bet on the bank is prohibited. Since it only has a probability of 0.095156 that it will always land. In addition, if we always bet on the shore, we will be at a disadvantage. The most online casinos, compared to bets on the banker's side, we have a disadvantage of only 1.0579% and bet on the player's side, we will only have a disadvantage of 1.2351% But wait Even though we can see that we have an advantage over 95% of the casino, this is nothing to guarantee that in 100 bets we will win up to 90 times, otherwise the casino will go bankrupt. already Anyone who has studied the House Edge value will know that the chance or win rate here is only effective for a short period of time. After a long time, the casino will finally get a refund. Gambling, it uses statistics to capture thousands of times to see results. Therefore, we will have to look at the baccarat table that we are going to play with the statistics of the card or card layout. in order to make the right decision on which table to play And for all these reasons, he has developed a Baccarat formula to win. That 's the online casino . How to use Baccarat 1324 formula? How to use Baccarat money walk formula This one is nothing complicated. no matter how long we play We will divide the betting round into 4 rounds or 4 steps with the betting principle as follows. Round 1 bet 1 unit If Round 1 wins, in Round 2, bet 3 units. If Round 2 wins, in Round 3 bet 2 units. If Round 3 still wins, Round 4, which is the last round of this formula, bet 4 units. No matter which round, if a loss occurs, go back to start round 1 again. If lucky to win all 4 rounds in a row, then go back to start the 1st round again, where now we have received a profit of 10 times (if winning on the banker side only, you will receive 0.95 times). From the above formula, I'll give you an example of how to use it so that it's easier to understand as follows. Baccarat Formula Round 1 bet 1 unit (assuming 1 investment unit equals 10 baht) If you win, you will get a profit of 10 baht from this round. Retained profit after winning 0 baht because it is the first round If it loses, it will only lose 10 baht of capital. 2nd round bet 3 units In this round, we will use 1 unit of additional capital and 1 unit of profit from the 1st round for a total of 3 units or 30 baht. If you win, you will receive a profit from this round of 30 baht. Retained earnings from winning 40 baht (Profit 1 + 2 ) If you lose, you will lose only 2 units of capital and 1 unit of profit from the first round that is used as capital in this round. This means that there is not a single baht of profit left. Round 3 bet 2 units In this round we will use profit only to play. because now we have 40 baht profit in hand If you win, you will receive a profit from this round of 20 baht. Retained earnings after winning 60 baht If we lose, this time we will only lose 20 baht of profit that we use to make capital. It means that we don't waste our own money at all. The remaining profit after losing bets is 20 baht. Round 4 bet 4 units After being lucky for 3 eyes, this time we will only throw profits into it as usual. If you win, you will get a profit of 40 baht from this round. Retained profit after winning 100 baht If you lose, this time you will lose 40 baht of profit. You won't lose yourself a single baht as usual. The remaining profit after losing bets is 20 baht.

 Baccarat formula 1324, this formula is sure or soft?

Just seeing the number 1324, many people may wonder, eh, what is this formula? Did it come up randomly or not? Is there anything guaranteed? Anyone who has played baccarat for a long time will know that playing without using Baccarat money walk formula With the use of

8 taboos to play online baccarat

8 taboos to play online baccarat

8 taboos to play online baccarat. If talking about betting formulas. Then I think that Baccarat formulas are something that is easy to find and has a lot of top of the list of all gambling games in the world for sure. Maybe because this type of gambling casino will

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7 Baccarat secret formula

Baccarat Secret Formula that the dealer doesn’t want you to know to overcome online casino In playing baccarat, relying only on luck plus skill, it is not enough. Even if we have a formula to walk money to help But it can only reduce financial risks for us. It doesn’t help your

After counting the total

Baccarat, how to pay, how advantageous is the casino

After counting the total points to decide the result of losing and winning Let’s see how baccarat has the odds, what bets, how much they pay, let’s see. 1.When predicting that the player’s side wins If the player side wins Will receive a profit back 1 time

Third card, Baccarat rules that are ignored

Third card, Baccarat rules that are ignored

They say they are ignored because most people don’t pay attention to this point. I think that we only have a duty to predict the outcome. which is true But now there is a point that according to the rules of baccarat there will be a third card

Baccarat Online is the Bible

Baccarat Online is the Bible

Baccarat Online I think that this minute, there are very few people who will never hear the name “Baccarat” because no matter where you go, you will find ads. online casino It also promotes card games. Online baccarat is so extreme that it may cause anyone who has never known